Blizzard's Diablo III will require internet connection to play (Video)

Are you eagerly waiting for the next Diablo game from Blizzard? Well, you better be ready to have an internet connection when Blizzard finally decides to release Diablo III.

Diablo III will need a constant internet connection when playing. Why, Might you ask?

Three reasons:
  1. Piracy-Software companies have had big problems controlling piracy and it seems many games will start heading down the path of making gamers be online to control this issue.
  2. Cheaters-If you have played Diablo I, Diablo II or many other online games, you know its impossible to play without someone cheating. It ruins the whole game play for every one. In Diablo III, Blizzard will not allow any software mods cheaters use for leveling up, getting gold, or weapons without having to grind for them. The only way to control this is by forcing you to stay online while playing.
  3. In-game auction house-Blizzard will include a live auction house in Diablo III. In the auction house you will be able to buy and sell items to level up faster using real money. So get ready to spend more money then just the price of the game if you're a die hard Diablo fan.

Blizzard is taking a whole different approach to the latest Diablo game. Diablo games have always been know for its solo game play style and many fans liked it for that reason, and now if you don’t have internet connected to your laptop or desktop you will not be able to play Diablo until your back online.

Will trying to be so in control of game play, hurt Blizzards profits? Time will only tell. Diablo is rumored to release at the end of 2011 or the beginning of 2012. Will you be buying Diablo, or does all this online only deal turn you off? let us know down below in the comments section.

Check out the videos below to see the game play and new features Blizzard has in store for us in Diablo III.

Source: Geek
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